Saturday, June 26, 2010

Human Centipede

Ok people, let's do this. Let's really get into a movie where you aren't sure whether to laugh, throw up, or simply marvel at human creativity. So let's just do this and be proud that we have seen something new in the world of horror.
It doesn't take much to guess from the name and the lovely poster we have here to get that the premise of this one is the whole crazy scientist guy. "Nothing new there Miss Whore." That's right, it's a common theme. Also the crazy scientist preys on American tourists that can't get cell phone reception out in the woods. "Still sounds pretty run of the mill Miss Whore." Yep, and he even drugs them and they wake up tied to creepy hospital beds in his basement. "Sounds like I've seen this one before." Then he explains that he's going to sew the victims together. "Duh, that's why I'm watching Human Centipede." He attaches them mouth to anus by pulling out their teeth, attaching the lips to the anus and sewing the butt skin onto the face. "Right he sews them togeth....wait wait what?" Yep, you heard me right. I know, you're trying to decide right now if that's the funniest effing thing you've ever heard or just disturbing. Trust me, when the first one finally has to go, um, #2 it's not pleasant. The three victims have to coordinate movement to get anywhere obviously. Fitting into a snug elevator is out of the question. Going through a rotating door, don't even think about it. I don't want to give away the end but suffice it to say that you are left thinking 'huh, I have never appreciated not having someone sewn to my butt until this moment.'
So, for the ratings...There is some gore obviously but not a ton. I've seen more when watching 'Life in the ER' on TLC. There are a couple shots of topless girls, but you have to get by the whole face sewn to someone's butt to notice. When I started it I was scoffing at the acting and by the end I didn't notice because everyone's face was sewn to a butt. The cinematography was forced but I stopped noticing that once I saw faces sewn to butts. I am at a loss to rate this how about 'B' for butt! That works for me.

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