Saturday, June 26, 2010

Thoughts for the evening

I'm pretty happy that I just updated the whole look of the blog. It was time. I wanted to address really quickly some elements that a horror film do make.
First there is the gore factor. This is often what draws the line between thrillers and horrors. Example: I had a friend that hates horror films ask if she could tag along if the Horror Whores went to see 'Wolfman'. If it's not bloody enough to scare off the usual crowd then it's just a thriller and should be skipped and scoffed at. Then you should point and laugh like you are cool because you enjoy seeing someone eviscerated.
Second there is a nudity factor. I can't tell you why but if there isn't a boob shot it probably isn't a horror movie. Is this a step back for feminism? Probably, but it's the law of the land. There are exceptions like one of my favorites 'The Decent' but they are few and far between.
Third the rating factor. If the film isn't rated 'R' then it's not really a horror. It may be scary and good but it's probably not really a horror film. Note: this doesn't mean it's not scary, take 'Paranormal Activity' for example.
Last (for now) is the ending. Horror films shouldn't end exactly happy. You can't put all of the body parts in a box and put a pretty little bow on it and try to sell that as an ending. People are dead, families pulled apart, teeth missing and probably some nasty infections...that's how horrors end.
A final thought...although I am a huge lover of all things horror I seriously struggle with scenes of rape. To me seeing arms hacked off or lips sewn to butts is so ridiculous that it's fun. But those graphic rape scenes (ie. 'The Hills Have Eyes II) are just not necessary.
Um, that's it for my late night rambling.

1 comment:

  1. Definitely like the new look. I agree with your dimensions of horror. People often blur the lines between thriller and horror. I'm wondering, where would you classify "Seven"? It *seems* to match the dimensions you outline here. -PS Love the blog, keep writing!
