Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Saw VI

So here we have yet another installation of the Saw series. You almost have to review the movie independently as well as part of a whole. So here goes the independent review...This time Jigsaw is taking a little bit of a political stab at some current events. The first scene involves two loan managers that are handing out loans to folks they know can't afford to pay them back. The rest of the movie deals with the department of health insurance companies that look for faults in order to deny coverage. You find that you don't mind so much when some of the characters end up upside down and inside out. The film is EXTREMELY gory and I may have actually winced once or twice and that's impressive. There are a lot of dead folks in this one and it appropriately takes it up a notch from the last movie. I am always impressed at the new, creative and of course graphic way they come up with to kill someone. As a film on it's own I'm afraid the average viewer would really have a hard time knowing what's going on without having seen all of the movies. The Saw movies are becoming so intertwined that they are even confusing to a seasoned viewer. I fear that although they are creative in intention they are actually becoming more involved than they need to be. If you've followed the movies at all you know we are actually on our 3rd or 4th killer by now. So overall I would only reccomend this film if you are intimately familiar with the previous 5.
Now, as a part of a whole...It's ok. The first Saw rocked because you were like "what the hell just happened?" Now it's more of "who is that, what did he do in the last one, is that the lady from the first one, are we in yet another flashback?" Overall this movie gets just a D.

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