Friday, January 22, 2010


Written and directed by the Australian Spierig Brothers, Daybreakers is a vampire movie set in not so distant 2019. The movie does a great job at setting up a world that has been completely dominated by vampires. These are live in a cave, hang upside-down, wear a cape type of vampires. These are go to work, gotta make a living type of vampires. They drink blood coffee, go to blood bars and have a nice stiff blood drink in a chinky glass with ice at the end of the day. The problem...they are running out of humans to harvest the blood from. As the vampires begin to starve they transform into the crack head version of a vampire.
I need to pause here for a moment. Typically I have to struggle to get a paragraph of plot in a horror film. It tends to be this guy had a bad childhood, he's mad, he kills people, the end. Daybreakers actually has a relatively intricate plot that involves a portion of your brain to work. To explain the entire plot would be lengthy, which is surprisingly refreshing, but not totally necessary.
So, Edward (Ethan Hawke) doesn't like being a vampire and wants to find a cure. He, along with the amazing Willem Dafoe, comes up with one. The bad vampire doesn't want the cure because he's found a way to profit. Edward's brother helps. Blah Blah Blah and it ends.
My thoughts: This was a good horror flick. It had lots of blood, some guts and quite a few limbs that flung free from their bodies. People/bat things were burned up heads were ripped off and a nurse gets thrown up on. Seriously, what else do you need? There was a beautiful scene shot in slow motion at the end of soldiers ripping each other to pieces...literally. If you look closely you can see a torso fly into the air and then a couple of was beautifully disgusting. Also, the vampires explode like a bugs bunny cartoon when they are staked in the heart. That rocks!
All in all I would happily give this film an B+ as far as horror films go. Fun for the whole family...well, maybe not the whole family :)

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