Saturday, November 13, 2010

The Descent Part 2

OMG!!! How freaking exciting is this?! I was a huge fan of the first Descent so when I was wandering around on my streaming Netflix (which is also freaking cool) and I saw a part two I nearly peed my pants. I was hesitant because squeals are often done by the 2nd assistant crew with C grade actors but I gave it a shot.
If you haven't seen the first one I recommend it. My hubby has renamed it "Chicks with Picks." Essentially a group of gal pals head to the mountains for some good ol' fashioned cave diving. As a closeted claustrophobic the beginning of the movie was the scariest. However creepy cave people/things was the true plot and plenty of blood and excitement later it turned out to be one of my favorite horror films. The Descent part 2 picks up right were #1 left off. They use the same characters and follow along the plot nicely. There are some exciting twists that would give it away if I went into it. What I appreciated about it was that the movie truly was a 'part 2' rather than just a '2'. It wasn't retelling a new story but finishing the first story. That's a rare thing these days. I can't say this one was as good as the first, but I can confidently say it was a great follow up and totally worth watching if you enjoyed the first. The gore level is fantastic, there's blood, guts and even some poop. Scripting, well you're in a cave, what would you really have to say? Cinematography...pretty good. I would take points away for how fakey the rocks looked this time. Lastly, this one left of with a big 'huh'? That says to be me we can expect a Part 3!!! Overall I give it a B.

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