Sunday, October 31, 2010


I'm sure you've heard mixed things about this film. For some it was a gross waste of time, for others it was terrifying and for those like me it was just ok. M. Night Shyamalan seems to be like either like it or you don't. I'm impressed that he has created enough of a name for himself that people can distinguish his movies. That says something in the cluster of films that are out there with directors whose names your don't know.
So, plot...hmmmm. It's different than the typical slasher/horror film. He gets a point for that. However he uses the whole "I bet you can't guess who's doing it" to the extreme. Literally you have 5 people in an elevator and every time the lights go out some one dies. So really how much of a who done it is it?
The gore factor was pretty good in this one. There is enough blood and it is creepy that there is a stack of bodies on the elevator floor.
Outside of the elevator the police, FBI and maybe even the circus are trying to get these people out so if you're thinking that you don't want to sit and watch the inside of an elevator for an hour your safe.
Finally, I don't really love the weird religious tones that Shyamalan puts at the end of some of his movies and this was no exception. It's just weird. You've sat and watched people get slashed and strangled and then he wants me to switch gears and think about forgiveness. It just didn't work for me. So having said all of that...I think the final rating for this movie is a C.

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