Sunday, October 23, 2011

The Human Centipede 2

Hmmmmm….I watched this last night. I thought “Hey, it’s October, I should watch all the scariest, creepiest, horroriest movies I can this movie.” I was genuinely looking forward to this one. Well, I’m going to burst all of your bubbles and tell you that not only did it not live up to my expectations but it completely insulted me as a horror fan.

The movie starts by showing a creepy little guy watching the first movie. So its set up that the first one was a film and this second villain is going to try to make it happen for real. The new bad guy isn’t’ happy with the idea of just 3 people he wants to make it a 12 person centipede. So the first 2/3rds of the movie is him collecting all of these victims. The last 1/3rd is him creating the centipede. First of all, it’s stupid because you’re just repeating the movie over again. There is absolutely nothing clever about it AT ALL. The first one was gross but at least you were left thinking “that is completely new information.”

The second problem I had was that they decided to take out any plot and just replace it with the most offensive and disgusting images you can think of. For example…this time one of his victims is pregnant, or he doesn’t ‘seal up’ the connections as well so when he shoots them all up with laxatives poop literally is flying in so many directions it hits the camera; or how about the detailed snipping of the knee tendons. I was so ticked off that they thought that would work on me that I wasn’t even sickened by it….I was just mad. I started fast forwarding after the 2nd ‘surgery’ because it was pathetically gratuitous.

The third problem was the main character didn’t have a single line; not a peep, not even a ‘hey’ or a ‘whah?’ Wow, that’s some great script writing there guys, give the main character of the movie no depth whatsoever and don’t worry about developing any plot either.

Geez, I’m just pissed about the whole thing I guess. Here’s the thing, the first one was gross, it was tasteless and it was gratuitous; but it was clever and new. It sold itself as a horror. This movie would have maybe made a descent slasher but just didn’t deliver on any aspect.

It wasn't written well, it wasn't filmed particularly well, the only good thing I can say is that they appropriately cast a creepy looking guy. I hated this movie. I really hated it. I can’t even rate it.

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